eytang8@yahoo.com Feeling any happier?
westcalxvandy very much so
westcalxvandy less pubescent today
eytang8@yahoo.com wonderful
westcalxvandy excellent excellent
eytang8@yahoo.com http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2156/2023343777_b1b21480b2_o.jpg
eytang8@yahoo.com http://keepplaying.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/2girls1cup-essay-page-2.jpg?w=590&h=804
westcalxvandy this person will obviously follow the footsteps of _______________
westcalxvandy give me a second while I try and recall who I'm referring to..
westcalxvandy Larry C. Flynt
westcalxvandy there we go
eytang8@yahoo.com I don't know who that is
eytang8@yahoo.com unfortunately
westcalxvandy cool guy
westcalxvandy started Hustler magazine
westcalxvandy made fun of that preacher who blamed the gays for September 11th
westcalxvandy went against the Supreme Court for pornography in the US
eytang8@yahoo.com speaking of which http://www.westborobaptistchurch.com/
westcalxvandy this is parody right?
eytang8@yahoo.com I...
eytang8@yahoo.com um.
eytang8@yahoo.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church
eytang8@yahoo.com in a word, no
westcalxvandy kinda sickening
westcalxvandy but nothing I haven't seen before
westcalxvandy I love that the UK was just like "stay the fuck out"
eytang8@yahoo.com +respect for them
westcalxvandy ugh how lame
westcalxvandy Approximately twenty WBC members demonstrated in Washington D.C. with anti-gay signs at the January 20, 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama.
eytang8@yahoo.com At least it's only 20
westcalxvandy sadly, there are more elsewhere
eytang8@yahoo.com Hopefully they'll die out over time
westcalxvandy fundamental Christians are the largest growing demographic in the US
westcalxvandy don't count on it
eytang8@yahoo.com I guess we need an apocalypse of some sort
westcalxvandy probably only strengthen them
westcalxvandy Free speech is cool and all, but people abuse their rights to ridiculous excess.
eytang8@yahoo.com It's not really an abuse
eytang8@yahoo.com Just what they're saying...
westcalxvandy they're abusing their rights in that they're using their freedom of speech to penetrate the individual's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
eytang8@yahoo.com Depends if it sticks to words or not
westcalxvandy The shoving of signs in people's faces at people's funerals
eytang8@yahoo.com Pretty douchebaggy
westcalxvandy I don't really care for the idea of funerals, but still the people are reflecting the death of a loved one and they stand their yelling that that person is damned for living according to their happiness and that they themselves are hated by God. Whether or not they believe in any of it, that is abuse of the freedom of speech, when they cross that line into breaking the right to their happiness and ridiculing their emotions.
westcalxvandy People are stupid...
eytang8@yahoo.com Unfortunately, we only have the right to pursue happiness...
westcalxvandy we have the right to live and the right to our freedoms and the right to be happy
westcalxvandy all freedoms should abide by the freedom to do anything so long as it does not violate those natural rights
westcalxvandy or any individual
westcalxvandy **of any individual
eytang8@yahoo.com yes...
westcalxvandy ugh
westcalxvandy stupid stupid people
westcalxvandy but today I really don't find it that angering
westcalxvandy it seems all that hatred towards stupidity is implied nowadays
westcalxvandy tang
westcalxvandy why are people so dumb?
eytang8@yahoo.com People are imperfect
westcalxvandy doesn't mean they could be less dumb
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, they could
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe
westcalxvandy wait...
westcalxvandy their imperfection does not inherently conclude that people, out of their imperfection, can not be smarter
eytang8@yahoo.com Perhaps our education is incompetent
eytang8@yahoo.com or societal values
westcalxvandy it seems like religion is the largest breeder of the illogical, superstitious, and downright stupid.
eytang8@yahoo.com Or maybe people who are already illogical, superstitious, and stupid are just drawn to it
eytang8@yahoo.com a symptom, not a cause
westcalxvandy nah
westcalxvandy people who aren't taught about religioin
westcalxvandy or brainwashed at a young age
westcalxvandy or related at youth of teachings similar to religion
westcalxvandy do not become religious
westcalxvandy I bet Andrew Winslow would realize evolution was true if his parents didn't brainwash him that creationism was right.
westcalxvandy be back in 5 gonna go eat
eytang8@yahoo.com 'k
westcalxvandy are people naturally superstitious?
eytang8@yahoo.com Religion was invented by people
eytang8@yahoo.com So possibly
westcalxvandy because other answers didn't exist yet
westcalxvandy now religion is failing
eytang8@yahoo.com Perhaps not, then
eytang8@yahoo.com But superstition still exists
westcalxvandy because people ignore it
westcalxvandy they prefer the dream world
westcalxvandy it's nicer
eytang8@yahoo.com So that might be innate illogical tendencies
westcalxvandy but if you don't get pressed on at a young age that the dreamworld really exists
westcalxvandy then you'd see logic first
eytang8@yahoo.com At a young age, you don't have all the answers
eytang8@yahoo.com and can't be taught logic fast enough
westcalxvandy I believed in the Christian god when I was in elementary school just because that's what everyone else believed in and it made sense
eytang8@yahoo.com Intriguing
westcalxvandy then I grew up and realized how little sense it made
eytang8@yahoo.com I never did
westcalxvandy I used to pray too
westcalxvandy my dad's an atheist and my mum's part of some asian cult rip off
westcalxvandy they never said anything about religion
eytang8@yahoo.com We need reassurance, don't we?
eytang8@yahoo.com that there's something that loves us and protects us
eytang8@yahoo.com from everything
westcalxvandy protects us?
westcalxvandy selfish.
westcalxvandy protects us but not the millions starving
westcalxvandy and dying
eytang8@yahoo.com So?
eytang8@yahoo.com It's hard to comprehend that
westcalxvandy it's easier to believe
westcalxvandy God exists
westcalxvandy and is protecting you and your family
eytang8@yahoo.com And think that even if something does happen
westcalxvandy because your life is good, and there's no reason to think about anyone else's
eytang8@yahoo.com there's a reason
eytang8@yahoo.com Even if something happens to you
eytang8@yahoo.com you can pretend it's somehow justified
westcalxvandy somehow
eytang8@yahoo.com God's Plan
westcalxvandy maybe my dad was killed in a car accident just because the driver was sad and drunk. maybe god isn't trying to teach me a lesson. maybe something unfair just happened in my life completely irrespective of the fact that a metaphysical being might or might not have control over everything.
westcalxvandy they don't think that...
westcalxvandy took me too long to think that
westcalxvandy kinda feel dumb.
westcalxvandy not that my dad is dead
eytang8@yahoo.com Maybe it saved multiple lives
eytang8@yahoo.com somewhere
westcalxvandy maybe
eytang8@yahoo.com as part of God's plan
westcalxvandy nah
westcalxvandy if god was omnipotent
westcalxvandy he would know a way to spare everyone's lives
westcalxvandy why choose the lesser of two evils when you could erase all evils?
eytang8@yahoo.com Of coruse
eytang8@yahoo.com But that doesn't fill the need for some sense of justice and purpose
westcalxvandy tang I love jew
eytang8@yahoo.com I also love jew
eytang8@yahoo.com and jews
eytang8@yahoo.com What was the math?
westcalxvandy pg 772-773 #2-5
eytang8@yahoo.com thank you
westcalxvandy no problem
eytang8@yahoo.com <3 you
westcalxvandy <3 u